Logan County Colorado TALKING TRAIL
Download the Talking Trail Mobile App Today, and Experience Sitting Bull College in Fort Yates, ND!
Located on the Standing
Rock Nation...

Sitting Bull College - Fort Yates, ND

Sitting Bull Visitor Center
The Sitting Bull Visitor Center in Fort Yates, North Dakota, stands as a historic landmark and a testament to the legacy of the renowned Hunkpapa Lakota leader, Sitting Bull...

Sitting Bull Science Center and Technology Center
Welcome to Sitting Bull College in Fort Yates, North Dakota! Situated in the heart of the Standing Rock Indian...

Sitting Bull Family Center
At the Sitting Bull College Immersion Nest, a profound significance lies in the revitalization and preservation of Lakota and Dakota culture

Sitting Bull Top of the Hill with View
At the height of the summer, prairie grasses sway with grace, while wildflowers paint the landscape with vibrant hues...

Sitting Bull College Trades Dept.
Trade skills play a crucial role in society, and their importance is increasingly recognized as we look towards the...

Sitting Bull College Public Transit
The transit center on the Sitting Bull College campus in Fort Yates, North Dakota, offers a range of services to enhance transportation accessibility...

Sitting Bull College Entrepreneurial Building
When we first started we didn’t even have a building. Coming from nothing, we moved into the skills center in the...
Art Murals
Cenzia + GrowLove + Sunshine ClaymoreSunshine Claymore

Our Keepers
Yazz Atmore + Francis Janis

Tatanka na Zintkala
Kaitlin Ziesmer + Shauna Elk

Art Murals
Danielle Seewalker
+ Holly Young

Honing Strength
Kolan Snider + Taylor Herzog

Art Mural
Austin Kasto + Romelle

Wichapi Oyate
"People of the Stars"
Thomasina TopBear + Aspen YellowHammer

Art Mural
Kennedy Pleets
+ Alexandrea Pangburn

Pte- San Winyan
Jodie Herrera

Art Mural
Lisa Lunde + Adri Norris

Creator's Bounty
Cante Eagle Horse + Jessica Canard

Tasunka Gi Hetchi
Gilbert Kills Pretty Enemy III

Koko Bayer + Jade and Breanna Luger

Library Student Services
The Sitting Bull College Library serves the College as well as the local Standing Rock community as a public library open to everyone...

Shelter Belt Chansha sha
Long ago, a young hokšíla (boy) who was always doing good for the people went hunting to get meat and food for oyáte kiŋ (people).

Shelter Belt Willow
Willow: A Sacred Connection for our People...

Shelter Belt Cedar
Cedar: A cleansing Ally to support the people
Welcome to Fort Yates, North Dakota and to Sitting Bull College!
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Talking Trail was funded by the "Creating an Active America, Together effort. The Goal is to create active people, and a healthy Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
The 25 Talking Point Trail gives you the chance to explore the beautiful campus of Sitting Bull College, and to explore the incredible public art murals throughout the community.
Art Murals: Babe Walls collaborated with the North Dakota State University and the Standing Rock Reservation to help fund the installation of 13 murals in the town of Fort Yates, North Dakota. Ten Denver artists, one Canadian artist, one Minneapolis artist, and one New Mexico artist came in to collaborate with twelve local Standing Rock artists. For 9 of theses artists, it was their first time creating a mural. 4 days/13 murals.
The Standing Rock Indian Reservation is rife with scenic beauty, historic attractions, and American Indian culture.
We hope to see you soon!